This is so great. I updated the SudoRoom t-shirt wiki


Romy Ilano

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 4:37 PM, Hol Gaskill <> wrote:
OK I made a stencil - so far just a test print and one on the side of the lockers, but it's hanging on the window if anyone wants to make a shirt or customize your monitor glass or whatever

Dec 13, 2013 02:34:45 PM, wrote:
Hey Romy,
>Looks cool!  Chris got a bunch of free shirts that he was going to spray stencil logos onto - maybe we can have a stencil making/stenciling party at sudo in a few weeks and make them ourselves?  I think more would get out into circulation that way.
>Dec 12, 2013 12:30:46 PM, wrote:
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