$26.00. For details, please refer to your most recent invoice:
2014-02-01 - https://internal.electricembers.net/youraccount/i/140201/690124308/
An invoice or statement is sent to your EE billing contact
on the first of every month. Your EE contacts are:
Administrative: Patrick OConnor roadtosantiago@gmail.com (510) 927-1316
Billing: Susan Miller susan@ecologycenter.org (510) 548-2220
To avoid account cancellation, please pay your current balance as soon
as possible, and let us know if we should change any contact information
for this account. Feel free to email or call if you have any questions.
Thanks for your attention!
Electric Embers Cooperative
Handcrafted hosting, powering the fires of change
(800) 843-6197