I want to thank all sudoers for not responding to my email with, "FYI that was pepper spray not mace," which is what some random douches on Twitter thought it was pertinent to tell me due my using those words interchangeably, due to having just been pepper sprayed in the face.

Pedants: technically correct.  The Best Kind of Correct.  *eyeroll*


On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 12:59 PM, Tony Barreca <tony.barreca@gmail.com> wrote:
Yeah, it was a bad thing to have to go through.  Sad to hear that it happened, glad to hear you're OK.

On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Anthony Di Franco <di.franco@gmail.com> wrote:

Good to hear that you've come through reasonably well considering the circumstances.

On Apr 9, 2013 1:55 AM, "Naomi Most" <pnaomi@gmail.com> wrote:
11:45pm at the 20th st bus stop (at Broadway) waiting for the 72M.

So, ah, watch yourselves.

I was transferring my iPad to my backpack when 2 muggers wrenched it out of my hands and a third one maced me right in the eyes.  I mean not just a little spray, a serious "I mean to blind you" lengthy spray.

An emergency team showed up about 6 minutes after the incident, and the cops showed up about 8 minutes after.  They were very helpful.  

One of them asked if I had "Find my Phone" installed, which I did.  They activated it and located the iPad right away.  They detained 2 suspects who were carrying the iPad.

I sat in the back of a cop car as they stood under the light.  One suspect wasn't so clear to me, and I said so -- I wasn't sure. The other suspect was *definitely* the girl who maced me, so I said so.  They let the guy go and took the girl in.  That felt really weird.

I'm going to write this up in more detail on my blog, because my face feels like it's melting off so I'm not going to be able to sleep anyway. 

What a strange experience.

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Tony Barreca
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Skype: tonybarreca
Twitter: tbarreca
Mobile: (510) 710-5864

sudo-discuss mailing list

Naomi Theora Most

skype: nthmost
