derivatives and demonology

man. i think it is because they are artists. they have more a sense of humor than we do. we're so serious.

On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 7:58 PM, Anthony Di Franco <> wrote:

I hear that incense made from ground debit cards is intense.

On Jun 22, 2013 7:54 PM, "Romy Ilano" <> wrote:
if any of you are in los angeles...  i saw my cool feminist asian american studies firend mimi nguyen speak at telic arts exchange a few years ago.

I was recommending the place to one of my friends, and I saw that they run the public school los angeles

their blog posts are really hilarious... kind of funnier than ours, which are so serious.


what the hell is going on here? i guess it's a witty thing on derivatives, but so funny!

This makes me consider visiting los angeles again, they are like the machine room. so funny! all those frustrated film industry people.

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