See below: Sudoer Tomas Lopes is also a member of the Berkeley Linux Users Group (BLUG) and has moved his monthly Raspberry Pi-focused (but not exclusively RPi) meeting to Sudoroom; you might consider this a weekend variant to the Tuesday night Hardware and SoftWEAR hacking nights. Come join us Sunday for good fun and great company! -Peter

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Subject: Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2023 11:12:10 +0000
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Pi.BerkeleyLUG: And now we're back. Meeting this Sunday 17.09.2023
tom r lopes <>: Sep 14 12:42PM -0700

So I'm back. Survived. With all the limbs I had before.
Pi meeting this Sunday 17.09.2023 from 11am to 2pm at SudoRoom in Oakland.
SudoRoom is in a shared building so press the buzzer or call me at 510
9842455 to get entry.
Virtual meeting at Pi.BerkeleyLUG.
Oftentimes we go past 2pm but this time I think I need to leave at 2pm.
I'll know Sunday morning.
No agenda this month. The stack of Chromebooks is still there. I had a
thought to make a jig to flash them easier. Maybe I'll work on that.
Hope to see you there.
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