I received a request to talk about hacktivism to UC Berkeley law students.  I'm not really the best person for this.  (They may have me there, anyway, to talk about TV-B-Gone.)  

Would you like to talk about hacktivism?  If so, please contact Eric, who's organizing the event:

Here's the email  he sent me, with me info :

Dear Mr. Altman: Hello. My name is Eric DeBellis. I am a former Allen Hall
resident and current law student at the University of California, Berkeley.
As a co-leader for the National Lawyers Guild Berkeley Law Chapter, I am
wondering if you would be interested in visiting Berkeley Law to speak on
the topic of hacktivism. We are planning to host two speakers. One would be
a Berkeley Law professor who represents a more “establishment” perspective
on the issue, so we were thinking that reaching out to you as the second
speaker makes sense. I understand that political hacktivism is not your
focus, but you’re a part of the hacker community, and you’re approachable
and quite good at conveying your passions to unfamiliar audiences. We would
not be asking you to debate the professor. Rather, you’d explain hacking in
general, then how hacking has entered the political activism realm, then
the professor would talk about it in more legalese terms. After, we’d open
it up to questions/discussions from a group of students. As for the topic,
Anonymous’s involvement in protests in Jefferson, Missouri is a particular
area of interest for students, so we would like to use that as an
illustration, but only as a launchpad to discuss broader issues that
interest you and your counterpart. We do not have a date as of yet, but
funding likely would be available. At the very least, we would provide a
tasty lunch and a room of eager minds. If you’re interested, we would love
to host you for lunch. Please contact me with any questions. Sincerely,
Eric DeBellis
