Great idea Vicky - A repository of successful grant applications is something that I might have use for very soon personally, and that I myself and several of my friends could have used at various times in the past, and is generally a resource that community-oriented groups could benefit a lot from. Especially if the presentation relates questions asked and criteria specified by grantor to specific responses by successful grantees as directly as possible.

Could we follow the release early and often philosophy and get the current application up on the wiki and use it as our test case to refine our presentation iteratively?

On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Vicky Knox <> wrote:
Hi all! I've been thinking of how to do this in a scaleable way, which has lead me to step one, which is to make our Wordpress and wiki more intuitive and beautifully-expressed. Would anyone be interested in meeting with me this week to work on the wiki? I could do daytime Tuesday or Wednesday.

2013/11/7 Liberty Madison <>
+1 Great idea Vicky! Lets scale greatness and get more funds for Sudo!

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On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 12:34 PM, Vicky Knox <> wrote:
WOOOAAAH!!! Could we all see a copy of what you wrote for the grant application? Maybe store it in the wiki for future reference as we continue applying for grants? :D :D

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