"Why do we need sound.byte.ification"

I think issuing responses to parroted media by a parrot Oligarchy news Organ ( NYT  )is irresponsible as well as ineffective for this those who think for themselves. The people we want to attract are willing to think for themselves and not ride on old current events topics that are as old as the Gentrification debate that we are partially participating in as an organization.

If this is to attract those who can support us by offering a dialogue about the importance of tech to balance with the current crises of the ecology we are working to support, then I understand.

Romy, when will you initiate the interviewing process and what venues  for the response article / post will you be using to promote with?

Troy M.

"You are the source of freedom. 
The price of freedom is awareness and action."

On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 5:22 PM, Romy Ilano <romy@snowyla.com> wrote:

Could we feature four or five members similar to this nytimes piece?
i will interview people, do some portraits, starting with troy ;)

  • we at SudoRoom come from a unique perspective of activism, social causes and art. I think we can add to the conversation.

Silicon Valley has “a greater capacity to change the world than the kings and presidents of even a hundred years ago,” one wealthy Facebook beneficiary supposedly told a tech conference last year. Many tech luminaries think they are ”doing God’s work.” But are the innovations coming out of the Bay area really creating a new and better world, or just making lots of money for a few people?


Romy Ilano