Great blog post, Naomi.  It conveys a strong sense of resolve and power in dealing with the jerks who mugged you, and with the aftermath. 

What surprised me is that there were three of them acting together, and the one who sprayed you appeared after the first two ran off.  That's organized activity, not casual opportunistic crime.  It would be interesting to see if any security videos emerge in the case, showing them hanging out around the bus stop before they jumped you. 

Probably the end result will be that they implicate each other, and all end up doing well-deserved time.  Probably also, one of them will be found with a bunch of other stolen mobile devices, so your action will end up solving other cases as well.  BTW, three people acting together to commit a felony, can also be prosecuted for felony conspiracy.

Do you want other SudoRoom members to go to any of the various hearings and trial dates, for community support?



On 13-04-10-Wed 1:21 AM, Naomi Most wrote:
I finished my blog post about the attack and aftermath.

On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 2:22 PM, William Budington <> wrote:
That's awful :(  I hope you're doing okay, assaults like that can
definitely be jarring.

If experience from various mass mobilizations & protests gives any
credence, there are some methods to alleviate the burning from pepper
spray.  Medics in these situations often carry water bottles to flush
out the eyes of those effected.  Basically you just lean your head back
and pour lukewarm water into your eyes to wash away as much of the
harmful chemical as possible.

That being said, that's usually when there are lots of people there to
help, and you're well prepared.


On 04/09/2013 01:55 AM, Naomi Most wrote:
> 11:45pm at the 20th st bus stop (at Broadway) waiting for the 72M.
> So, ah, watch yourselves.
> I was transferring my iPad to my backpack when 2 muggers wrenched it out of
> my hands and a third one maced me right in the eyes.  I mean not just a
> little spray, a serious "I mean to blind you" lengthy spray.
> An emergency team showed up about 6 minutes after the incident, and the
> cops showed up about 8 minutes after.  They were very helpful.
> One of them asked if I had "Find my Phone" installed, which I did.  They
> activated it and located the iPad right away.  They detained 2 suspects who
> were carrying the iPad.
> I sat in the back of a cop car as they stood under the light.  One suspect
> wasn't so clear to me, and I said so -- I wasn't sure. The other suspect
> was *definitely* the girl who maced me, so I said so.  They let the guy go
> and took the girl in.  That felt really weird.
> I'm going to write this up in more detail on my blog, because my face feels
> like it's melting off so I'm not going to be able to sleep anyway.
> What a strange experience.
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Naomi Theora Most

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