bonus points to yar for best use of retcon in a contracting context!

Phil Wolff

+1-510-343-5664 bio @ cv blog face

On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 11:24 PM, yar <> wrote:
At tonight's Sudoroom meeting, there were no major objections to BDRM2
("the eyeball room") becoming dedicated and lockable for Backspace, or
to the DEN and STORAGE1 being schedulable commons where Backspace gets
priority. The biggest concern is that the Public School would still
have room for its evening classes, but we don't have enough info to
speak for them obviously.

Just curious - even though we all seem to be converging on a pattern
of scheduled multi-use space, there's still this distinction between
these rooms being "administered by Backspace" and "administered by the
commons working group." I know Backspace prefers the former, but can
you say a little about why, and what is the meaningful difference for
you? Is it the worry about being scheduled out? Is it the desire for
veto power over the layout and aesthetic of the spaces? Thanks.

Lastly, Matt pointed out some issues with how the money is being framed:

> We would pay $1000 per month starting in October.

Is this a typo? It seems to contradict the next section.

> Backspace founder Andrew Lowe put forward $6000 to the Omni for Backspace in May 2014. This money was paid ahead as a commitment by Backspace to the Omni and vice versa. We would like to allocate that money in the following way:
> $3000 for July Rent (first month, last month, deposit)
> $1000 for Septemer
> $1000 for October
> $1000 for November

Except what actually happened, was Backspace paid $2k for first month,
$2k for last month, and $2k for deposit, and then realized later that
they couldn't continue paying that much per month. It's not just a
semantic problem - that $2k deposit went to the landlord, and not to
the Omni. This pretends that Omni saw $1k that we didn't actually see.
Also, IANAL (I Am Not A Lawyer) but it's a scary legal grey area for a
landlord to redefine deposit money as rent money. It might be better
to be honest about what happened instead of retconning it, and just
say that Omni is now giving Backspace a second chance to exist at Omni
with a grace period and a new "lease on life." Just a thought.
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