Add another projector? Did BAPS get another one? :)

I really would love to see an Omni-wide inventory management system that has an integrated reservation protocol, which would help streamline aspects of events like this. Unfortunately, this would be a lot of work to maintain (I'm told).
So for now, I think having an online database with all of Omni's (and it's collectives') open access tools/machines/etc with contact info for each is the best way to go.
I.e. Sending a direct email or text to whomever owns/stewards the tool/machine someone wishes to use, and the owner/steward keep track of the item's calendar.
It's what people have already been doing, but I still see that there is confusion around the topic.
I hope this helps a bit, but we ought to solidify this process into a version that's more accessible to everyone.

~ Korl

On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 9:07 PM, niki <> wrote:
I think it should be fine - it doesn't look like there's anything else on the schedule.. this along with some other events that have needed use of the projector raises for me the need to set up some kind of reservation system for stuff like this. 

Add yet another project to the list :)

Sudo is setting up systems for this purpose, I believe so perhaps we collaborate with them!



On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 8:24 PM, Scott Nanos <> wrote:
Hey y'all, Ian from Baps is putting together a real cool event on nov 1st in the ballroom. Korl showed me where all the screens are but could anyone commit to allowing Ian to use a projector? I know Baps has one, and sudo has a grey one that works well. Can anyone from sudo or Baps confirm that Ian can have access to a projector that night?

Thanks and <3!


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