Ya, maybe we should do this on Tuesday when lots of other hacks are happening as well.  I’m partial to Tuesday because my favorite peoples are often there.

On Fri, Jan 6, 2017 at 10:37 AM, Stephen Whitmore <sww@eight45.net> wrote:
That's awesome, Carl! Since they're fairly old they'll likely have
pretty good Linux driver support.

Any folks interested in getting together one evening to do a Mac Mini
Linux Installfest on these? No experience required: I've been down the
road of getting Linux working on macs many times and am happy to guide.

All the best,


On 01/05  03:24, Carl Gorringe wrote:
> Hey Sudoers,
> I came by Sudo Room Wednesday and dropped off a donation of 13 Mac Minis!
> They were donated by Liz from Mozilla.  Some other hackerspaces also got some including Noisebridge.
> Specs: mid-2010 model, Core 2 Duo cpu, 4 or 8GB RAM, 320 GB HD (wiped clean), DVD-RW drive, HDMI video out.
> They are missing power cables (but they're standard and power is built-in).
> They'll work with the latest Mac OS - just need to be installed.  Or you can install Linux.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_Mini#Specifications_3
> Enjoy!
> -Carl G
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