Hey all,

Whomever is bottomlining big or big-ish events at the space, needs to check on the bathrooms during the event, and check on them after the event, and if they are by some chance trashed, clean them.

Apparently the TP is sometimes running out during big events, causing people to use paper towels or napkins or other things, which then clog the toilets, which makes George really mad. 

Specifically, this apparently happened during the Spied Upon event which I bottomlined. Even though I cleaned the common area and took out the garbage etc before and after, I neglected to check on the state of the bathrooms (so that is totally on me).  

What we need to start doing in my opinion is having some extra TP on hand so we can pre-stock the bathrooms before large gatherings, so it does not run out. 

I also think if any one of us notices the bathrooms are messed up or out of supplies, we should also tell the bottomliner of the event, or fix it ourselves.

This is especially important to remember at the end of the night when everyone is pooped and ready to head home: If you bottomline, check on the bathrooms before you leave..
