responses - so that means, chances are, if you are reading this, you
haven't filled it out.
I am giving 1 extra day so we can
get a few more people. Please forward the
survey link to
people who are active collective members or frequent space users
who aren't on this listserv.
If you don't fill out the survey, there will still be many
opportunities to participate int he visioning and planning, but it
would be great to get started with broad input.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Friends and Omninoms,
Several of us (me, Niki, Nick O, Kevin, Amgo, David K) met last
week to discuss the possibility of engaging in a visioning and
planning process for the Omni Commons. We didn't make any
decisions about how to do that, but we did make a plan to make
those decisions in a way that can involve as many Omni denizens as
Step 1:
Here is a link to an online survey to get the background
information we need to make decisions about the visioning/planning
process. The questions are directed at people who are actively
involved with the Omni as organizers, collective members, and
frequent space users. In other words, it is for people who have
first hand experience with how things are going within the
Please fill out the survey by 6am, Monday, February
23rd. Instructions are given at the beginning. In order to
keep the processing of the data manageable, please answer as
concisely as possible. If you know someone who would have
something to contribute to the survey but who isn't on this list,
feel free to forward this email.
Step 2: Once we have collected the survey answers we will
convene a meeting where anyone can come help analyze the data
and get some clarity on what is important to people about the
process. We will use this info to develop a focus question, and
narrow down the methods we might use.
Step 3: The Visioning and Planning working group will develop a
proposal for the the process based on the outcomes of Step 2. We
will share it around for feedback and then present it to the
delegates meeting for approval.
Step 4: Carry out the approved plan.
If you have any questions or concerns about this, please send an
email, ask us in person, or come to our meeting. The next one is
not scheduled but will be announced on this list.
Laura, Niki, Nick O, Kevin, Amgo, David K