You pedagogical and open knowledge radicals might be interested in meeting these folks and participating. :]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vicky Knox <>
Date: 2014-06-05 20:31 GMT-07:00
Subject: [June 21st] Mapping Educational Ecosystems on Oakland/Local Wiki
To: "" <>, "" <>

Hey everyone!

A couple of weeks ago I met with a really neat educator named Darshan Campos. She and some of her collaborators are putting on a mapping party of the educational ecosystem of the East Bay, and will be using Oakland Wiki and Local Wiki for this purpose! Below is her invite. I will be there over the Internets. ;]

WHEN: June 21st, 10a-5:30p
WHERE: South Berkeley Public Library // The Internet
RSVP: link below


I'd love for you to join us for MEEP: Mapping Educational Ecosystems Project's first community learning lab. 

MEEP aims to help solve one of today’s biggest challenges - how to build learning institutions that work for people at all stages of life, from birth until natural death. Our core values are rooted in community informatics and the knowledge sharing revolution, which is at the heart of Oakland Wiki. 

At our lab, we'll map our community's educational ecosystem, its many centers for learning and teaching. We'll also practice cooperative learning techniques such as spatial mapping, visual thinking, and affinity mapping. Our community learning lab is on 21 June 2014 from 10:00 - 5:30 pm at the South Berkeley Public Library

As a participant, you'll enrich our community's lens for education and spread the word and worldview of community informatics. You'd also find allies and form natural partnerships with individuals and organizations that promote community learning. Plus, you'll eat tasty treats! 

If you can join us, please RSVP. If have any questions or feedback, please email me.

Paz, Darshan
darshancampos at gmail dot com