To the group as a whole, I apologizing for causing Robert stress, I did yell at him outside the Omni, though only with the intent of re-expressing something that I had expressed the previous day in a more clear and somewhat comedic manner. It seemed that perhaps with his high energy level, my normal tone the previous day had not registered because I hadn't bothered to sound upset. So today I intentionally let him know that I was upset. Now - the issue at hand is something I set myself up for: most nights, especially when it is raining, I have made it a habit of leaving my laptop in a basket under a table at the front. There's no pressing reason to leave it there - my little abode is waterproof and lockable, but not while I am asleep, and the unlikely scenario of someone opening the door while I'm unconscious and managing to walk off with my irreplaceable gear means I've felt safer leaving it semi-secured inside the building rather than with me at night. Two days in a row, however, I found the basket with my laptop bag sitting forlorn and alone in the middle of the floor in the general 'donataions/hack-this' zone where I couldn't blame anyone if they would have come before me and adopted it. I grumbled good naturedly at Robert yesterday, just to point out the situation that resulted when the table went away and suggested he should have taken the other table of the pair -- or move the basket under the remaining table instead.  Today, I found the same scenario repeated and decided to actually show that I was upset. If this apparently frightened or caused stress to Robert, I'm sorry - that was neither my intention nor at all expected. I just chose to be a little more theatrical and high energy in communicating with a boisterous high energy individual who had disregarded my previous attempts at communication. That he apparently mistook this as threatening is unfortunate and unexpected - again, I was just trying to more match his normal energy level and boisterousness since my more flat and matter-of-fact communication previously had not worked. Again, sorry to all for causing any unneeded chaos, and in the future I will avoid the problem by simply keeping my laptop with me at night and therefore not having to worry about it.