Thanks for posting the notes, Max!
To clear some things up:

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 1:25 AM, Eddan Katz <> wrote:

This past week - I discovered my confidential private emails posted by a Sudo member containing sensitive medical information about my wife, and then seeing them deleted;

No 'sensitive medical information' about anybody was in those emails, but a mutual acquaintance was mentioned by name - which is why I decided to delete the pages about 10 minutes after creating them. My posting of the emails was in response to learning of Eddan's forwarding of private email threads to several mutual friends in the wake of an unfortunate argument, which lacked full context and were misleading.
and also learned that last week's meeting intentionally introduced a consensus vote on IRC founder until after I left the meeting - 2 hours in;

The issue under discussion had been on the agenda for two weeks preceding last week's meeting, and there was absolutely nothing malintentional or directed about addressing the Conflict Resolution portion of our meeting during the Conflict Resolution portion of our meeting. It was discussed with equanimity among the members present and a solution proposed, to next be brought to discussion on the list (as is also standard practice).
