Yes, guns. I heard that a lot on Saturday when I set up a 3D printer on a table at the local farmer's market. People had never seen one, or even a product from one. As soon as I explained what my contraption was, about 1/5 of them said something about printed guns.

We can do better. We already do better in medicine, chemistry, building materials, engineering generally, food, and yes, plastics. This is just the beginning. I'm sure Main Stream Media will give us plenty more to worry about.

We can do better.


On May 3, 2013, at 4:49 PM, Eddan Katz wrote:

This Is The World's First Entirely 3D-Printed Gun (Photos)


Early next week, Wilson, a 25-year University of Texas law student and founder of the non-profit group Defense Distributed, plans to release the 3D-printable CAD files for a gun he calls “the Liberator,” pictured in its initial form above. He’s agreed to let me document the process of the gun’s creation, so long as I don’t publish details of its mechanics or its testing until it’s been proven to work reliably and the file has been uploaded to Defense Distributed’s online collection of printable gun blueprints at

All sixteen pieces of the Liberator prototype were printed in ABS plastic with a Dimension SST printer from 3D printing company Stratasys, with the exception of a single nail that’s used as a firing pin. The gun is designed to fire standard handgun rounds, using interchangeable barrels for different calibers of ammunition.

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