
On Sun, May 5, 2013 at 11:53 AM, Rabbit <rabbitface@gmail.com> wrote:
Someone was proposing a currency denominated in joules which would represent the ability to generate that much energy in the future.


The exchange rate between Bitcoiny CPU cycles and joules would be pretty straightforward to figure out.

But: would this be more prone to speculation and bubbles since it's based on our estimation of what will happen in the future?  And what happens when everyone tries to cash in their joules at the same time?

On Sun, May 5, 2013 at 10:44 AM, Ryan Bethencourt <ryan.bethencourt@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi All,

I've been reading/following the whole evolution of bitcoins as currency and I'm still a bitcoin skeptic (I prefer potential rather than spent processing power :) ).

So I was curious, has anyone in the past tried to create a virtual currency based on a resource value, like future usage of CPU time (i.e. $1 would equal an equivalent amount of electricity and hardware wear and tear for x number of CPU cycles, which could be exchanged either for the cycles, at a super computer bank or for other currencies)?

To me it seems that bit coin is like a spent CPU resource rather than a future resource and by flipping the equation to future rather than past value a currency based on this type of commodity would be useful... any thoughts?


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