Apologies, I was just trying to encourage people to be involved in the process based on some ideas I'd heard floating around with regards to how the organization might be restructured. I didn't meant to suggest that anything had already been decided! 


On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 2:10 PM, yar <yardenack@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 2:34 PM, niki <niki.shelley@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's my understanding that this process could potentially result in a more
> top-down restructuring of the management of the Omni with little to no
> required buy-in from the individual collectives.

Just to be very clear, this is an open-ended process where nothing is
pre-ordained, which will depend entirely on who shows up and what they
want. If people show up wanting to turn Omni into a Kafkaesque
dystopia, then yes, that could "potentially" be the result. But I
doubt it.