I would also like to add that this plan will decrease the square footage of space that needs to be secured outside of hours of operation while increasing the amount of space that can be used by the Commons

On Sep 28, 2014 8:51 PM, "niki" <niki.shelley@gmail.com> wrote:
> Tried sending this to the list w/ attachments but they were too large - let me know if you have trouble viewing anything!
> ------------------------------------
> Friends,
> After lengthy discussions with the Heath Inspector and Plumber, La Commune has put together renovation plans for the Cafe / Bookstore.
> These plans have already been signed off on by John. We will give anything that we are planning of getting rid of to any of the other collectives, should they have a use / need for it. Everything else will be taken to the dump / urban ore.
> Just wanted to send this out to the list in case there are any major concerns. 
> We hope to start demo tomorrow.
> Plans are here:
> https://drive.google.com/#folders/0B-AL95NlI75qNXByOVFST3pqelU
> xo
> La Commune! 