The only person on this list I recall also visiting Omni / sudo in the past is Karriem. He attended one of sudomesh's 2017 BYOI workshops and livestreamed you I believe, Marc, without permission. He has been extremely annoying to me in the past and seems a compulsive lier. Will make gross claims to capital and Silicon Valley insidership that are blatantly false. 

Should i add these people to Omni's list ( ) or could somebody else volunteer?


On Mon, Aug 6, 2018, 20:44 Marc Juul <> wrote:
There have been several safe space bans at noisebridge lately.

Please have a look at the list of bans and familiarize yourself with the photos:

Remember that people who are banned at Noisebridge for reasons that violate our safe space policy are also banned at Omni. If you see someone who is banned in the space you don't have to approach them alone, but you should ensure that they are asked to leave. They can attempt to go through mediation at Noisebridge (preferred) or attempt to get the ban lifted specifically for Omni.

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