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From: Aspiration <>
Date: Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 11:02 AM
Subject: Join us March 26th for the Bay Area Tech Teach-In

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Aspiration Events Trainings eAdvocacy

2013 Strategic
Tech Teach-In

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013
9am - 5pm

Preservation Park
668 13th St.
Oakland, CA 94612

Register for the Strategic Tech Teach-In 2013

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Hi Everyone,

We are excited to have the unique opportunity to invite you to our upcoming Bay Area convening, the Strategic Tech Teach-In, on March 26th, 2013 from 9am - 5pm..

Join us at Preservation Park in Oakland, California for this interactive convening with social justice techies, community organizers, and nonprofit staff from around the Bay for a high-spirited, not-too-geeky day.

We are grateful to offer this event with support from the Mitchell Kapor Foundation.

Space is limited. Please save your spot early.

Call for Sessions

This is a different type of technology event; we de-emphasize presentations and lecture, and instead focus on "break-out" sessions that are self-organized whenever possible.

Here are types of session topics planned for the day:

  • Working effectively with nonprofit "techies"
  • Coordinating and managing your organization's online presence
  • When and when not to trust "The Cloud" with your data
Check out other planned sessions.

We need your input. Let us know what you would like to learn; Sessions are designed to address the needs of participants as closely as possible.


View the current schedule in outlined form. We run events with an open agenda format; The actual schedule will be updated and shared in real time on the day of the convening.

Email us if you have any questions or go here to learn more about the day.

We hope to see you there!


Misty and the Aspiration Team

Our MissionContact Us
Aspiration's mission is to connect nonprofit organizations with software solutions that help them better carry out their work. We want nonprofit organizations to be able to find and use the best software available, so that they maximize their effectiveness and impact and, in turn, change the world.

Aspiration is a values-driven nonprofit technology organization.

Read Our Manifesto and let us know what you think.
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