
This still leaves an interesting puzzle to solve: who was around after the event, who could have contributed to the post-event mess? 

Re. "the smell of smoke," the smell of pot smoke that has been cause of some bad relations with George, also appears to be coming from outside the doors (not from people at SudoRoom smoking it inside).  There were people smoking pot outside on Wednesday night, the door was pegged open, and the smoke got in and wafted upstairs as well.  There are plenty of well-lighted safe places outside to smoke (whatever), that aren't close to the door: up or down the street a little, across the street, and in the side street behind building.

Re. telling Oakland Nights Live that we can't host their event any more:  Agreed with Max, that should be discussed & decided by the group at a regular meeting.   Does anyone want to write to them and let them know that the email was premature and we haven't made a group decision yet?  Also if this is going to be discussed on Wednesday night, it would be good to invite them into that discussion. 



On 13-05-12-Sun 10:53 PM, rusty lindgren wrote:
Hey Max,

Well, looks like a group fail, all the way around.  My intention wasn't to chastise and objectify that group, but make people aware of George and that we are more "professional" or whatever term you would like to convey rent-payers as a group.  

Thanks for the kind words at the end.


On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 10:32 PM, Max Klein <isalix@gmail.com> wrote:
I'll reply inline.

On 12 May 2013 22:10, rusty lindgren <rustylindgren@gmail.com> wrote:
Sure, no problem, 

Around 1:30AM:

I left at 10:45PM on Friday, and Oakland Nights live had finished cleaning and were not in the building any more.

1. Double doors by front entrance blocked with black furniture at around  this morning.
That was not the state when I left, which was after ONL had left.
2. Pile of stuff next to vaccuum that wasn't cleaned by the double doors.

Are you talking about the entrance to Sudo? Was it the shop vac? Because we didn't lend them our shop vac.
3. Plates and food on the ground near sudoroom doors.

That was not the state when I left, so I think this happened post 10:30 and post-ONL.
4. Bottles/Cans left out.

I did not witness Bottles/Cans left in the common room.
5. Strong smell of cigarette smoke in stairs by my office to the point of which it smelled like an ash tray.

I did witness guests of ONL smoking outside the ground entrance doors. Probably not 25 feet away.

6. Signs up everywhere downstairs still. 

I also noticed they didn't take down some paper signs attached to the wall with masking tape.

I snapped a few photos of some of the mess left, even though Romy/Jordan cleaning up.

I saw sudoers sitting there after ONL had left and had cleaned the common area.
 Last time, George was yelling while the same people + Matt were cleaning up.  

My intention was to point out that there have been messes, and this was an example.  I'm not saying that nobody tried cleaning, but the results were bad.

I hear your frustration with cleanliness. I think that some people did try cleaning, and later the space was made more messy, so not all the mess is attributable to any one group in specific. Thanks for making us aware of what can be done better, its really important we all work together on the cleaning issue.

You're all awesome and competent critical humans (well half-human-half-sudoers).


On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 9:56 PM, Max Klein <isalix@gmail.com> wrote:
I hear Rusty's complaint of cleanliness. and  I want to speak in defense of Oakland Nights Live. I didn't see you at Oakland Nights Live, so I imagine you showed up after the event was over?
I saw them vacuum and pick up and vacuum the common area too a high level of cleanliness. Maybe the front ground floor entry way was more dirty. Rusty perhaps you could be more specific about what was wrong, because I have a different understanding of their cleaning practices. Maybe it got dirty inbetween when you saw it and when they cleaned it. If so then I feel you are speculating on where the dirtiness came from.

Jenny, . I also didn't see you at ONL, and during the hour following. I read that you sent an email to Oakland Nights Live with the phrasing "we can no longer..." at some point. I feel upset that you did so because I want messages claiming to be from sudo as "we" to be approved by all sudoers before they're sent.  I would like to request that you don't send messages on behalf of sudo without consensus in the future.


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Rusty Lindgren


Rusty Lindgren

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