Greetings cronies,

Every Sunday Occupy Oakland meets at OGP (e.g. Frank Ogawa Plaza) at 2PM for what is rather grandiloquently still referred to as General Assembly, but lately it has been colder then the proverbial bucket full of penguin guano and we would like to have our meetings at the sudoroom common space through the end of January if no one objects unduly.  These days GA is perhaps a dozen folks, mostly dotards like me, unfortunately predominantly cursed with a Y chromosome.  We almost never riot and torch the town these days, mostly just rehash the previous weeks' political actions and plan the next weeks' protests against the evil empire.   These days our main focus is labor & debtor solidarity, anti-repression organizing (e.g. police brutality and surveillance), and attempts to protect the commons & the environment.

Also, we would like to participate in the crypto-parties next Sunday and in January.  We certainly want to figure out how to protect our own communications from being unduly monitored by the state and Daniel & I may try and train a few of our folks how to use the Wordpress interface for our web site.  Anywho, I plan to attend the sudoroom weekly meeting tomorrow after the Oakland Privacy Working Group meeting and see if anyone objects to our presence for the next month and a half.

Solidarity whenever,

Ed the Red