The current calibration isn't much more than turning one trimpot, too little current and the motor skips a beat, too much, and it gets too hot. There's no difference in accuracy past a certain point. 

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On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 9:07 PM, Jake <> wrote:
haha i really don't think it's that kind of thing!  i'm guessing that someone took them out to use them in a different printer, and i want to figure out if they're bringing them back or not so i can plan on getting printer drivers back into this printer.

they're the size of a postage stamp.  but when you put them back in the printer you have to calibrate the current to the motors, which i don't know exactly how to do.

On Sat, 23 May 2015, Marc Juul wrote:

On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 8:27 PM, Jake <> wrote:
      i tried to use the wooden 3D printer and only the Y axis worked.

      i looked in the side and saw that three of the four motor driver boards are missing!  WTF?

Damn. We really need to get these new lockable doors between spaces.


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