So despite having talked with Phylean on a few different occasions I'm still not sure what's going on with this....I asked Phylean to hang out last night prior to the meeting, she said "Okay" then left for the duration of the meeting. I don't know whether anything was discussed regarding this, I told her that there was a public school event tomorrow and that I didn't want to conflict with that (e.g. loud music doesn't mix well with poetry readings) but that kind of got glossed over as well.

Bottom line is.....I'm not sure who is responsible for this event, so if it doesn't happen I won't be too disappointed. What I would mind is if a) Phylean IS the responsible party/bottom-liner and B) she showed up with a bunch of equipment and a crew of people ready to party at the last minute (let's say, any time after 8 pm Friday) without keeping sudo up to date.

I spoke with femalefaust, who believes that Phylean WOULD have this under control if she understood what was required from her regarding organization of events and that my confusion here is simply a matter of Phylean not knowing how to interface with sudo as a group. That's understandable, but it's also kind of crazy-making.

I would like to see this party happen, but I'm unclear on most (if not all) of the key details at this point. Has anyone else discussed this event with her? Am I the unofficial liaison here or have other sudoers been involved?
