account | amt
00012-86938-43003 | Amount: $224.28
00012-87014-63003 | Amount: $71.80
Total paid: $296.08
Confirmation Number: 69784810329
As I mentioned to some of you, I've paid for combined garbage and recycling for SUDO and BAPS from 9/15 til now.
Basically I consider this my membership dues to each respective group for the past three months - essentially, ~$50/group/mo since Sept. or however that works out.
I thought just paying this for SUDO and BAPS might kill two birds with one stone dues-wise, but going forward it's obviously way less confusing to have SUDO to take over the account and bill BAPS, and I'll just pay dues to each group like everyone else...
Re: the login, I sent Matt this info a while ago, but at this point I'd like to change out the bound email address from my personal email to a generic sudoroom email (or at any rate, some other email) that sudo and baps can both check.
Can someone volunteer a sudoroom or other email SUDO and BAPS can share for this purpose?