thank you andrew - you are a treasure!

playing now off the server: Hed P.E. - Everybody Dies hahahah

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 1:34 PM, Andrew <> wrote:
Hey All,

I switched over to the stream at

Mischa set up a nice fallback system, which is needed because of some of the annoyances with Mixxx. Mainly that it doesn't attempt to reconnect on to the stream when it gets kicked off. I've never wanted to fork a program as bad as the Linux version of Mixxx.

Anyway get ready for random music and Rome History podcasts! Sudo Radio is Live.


On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 6:25 AM, mark burdett <> wrote:
Yay! Note, you need to advertise the m3u URL: The link you provided would cause people to download the stream directly, which does not work very well since it never ends :) the moment the stream is not actually on air though so this doesn't work.

--mark B.

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 4:03 AM, Andrew <> wrote:
Hey All,

Sudo Radio is live at:

After spending way too much time trying all other solutions, the simplest is the best! Take a look in the Radio Room for instructions on how to operate everything and talk on air.

PS. As was suggested by Mischa we need a giant "TALK" button. This can be achieved by making a one button midi controller. which can be done with an arduino like this, kinda, Let me know if you want to help me with that project!

Good Night!

Andrew Lowe

sudo-discuss mailing list

Andrew Lowe

sudo-discuss mailing list