On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 11:08 PM, William Turner <wturner76@gmail.com> wrote:
..... possibly interact online outside of the meetings IE share code, ideas, projects and built a rapport. I have a project I'm doing for people interested in audio & Javascript here http://interactiveaudio.wikiaudio.org . It's a (slow-moving) tutorial series & I'm still learning and code every day...... I have extensive knowledge of audio as well as an increasing understanding of web audio. Please reach out 510 816 2816.
..... I would like to possibly do a small one on web audio as well as suggest a few on more complicated concepts like closures and design patterns.
Less interested in a Javascript session focusing on web audio and/or the more complicated js concepts myself, but flexibly open-minded on more _Introductory_ Javascript Monday night sessions --- as long as the "catchup pace" with others isn't TOO daunting! :-)

For anyone interested the best way to learn Javascript online (in my opinion) that I've found thus far is this 

- W

According to this javasriptissexy link (and I quote):
~~~ quoting ~~~
And do not try to learn the language by using only Codecademy, because while you will know how to program bits of very small JavaScript tasks, you absolutely will not have learned enough to build modern web applications. Why learn only a tenth of the language, it is a waste of your time. I do recommend Codecademy below as a supplemental learning resource, however, to use along with specific chapters from the two JavaScript books you will be using.

Just curious; For someone more Introductory-level like myself, why WOULDN'T one wish to wade into the js waters by using Codecademy --- as opposed to diving into the deep end with Secrets of the Javascript Ninja and/or javasriptissexy's purchase-suggested books --- notwithstanding author Richard Bovell's claims to the contrary???!!! And BTW, this particular person is already proceeding quite well thank you through the Web Fundamentals Track on Codecademy... including completion of chapter 8 (Build a Webpage)

And WHY NOT go through the WebPlatform.org js tutorials at  http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/javascript/tutorials ??

Just curious is all.