niki, I understand your exasperation
All I'm trying to say is that someone should be clear to her that there are quite a few people at the Omni who may be violently opposed to these types of accessibility requests, even though they seem completely reasonable because "The community is not some amorphous / boundless resource *nor* is it some perfect ideological object."
I know I felt personally attacked and invalidated (and still do over a lot of the accessibility stuff) when bringing up a very similar topic and it might be useful to warn her that there's a very good and real chance people might be jerks to her about a very sensitive subject. Or that her proposals might get ignored/unheeded because the priorities of the space are elsewhere.
I'm not saying it well because I am tired and personally hurt by a lot of the accessibility stuff.
"I think it's reasonable to say that we haven't found someone who has the time / energy to take this on right now and that people who have concerns around these issues should perhaps wait to engage with us until we're in a more solid place. "
This is exactly what the Omni should say wrt a lot of accessibility stuff in my opinion, and not what's been happening. Which is a major reason there's a lot of hurt.
However, I do think that we have found someone who can take this on or at least help and see if we can. She should just uh, be warned that not everyone's on board.