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From: <glaz510@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 6:36 PM
Subject: [omni-building] internet cable and garbage
To: omni-building@googlegroups.com

Hi All! I'm so excited to finally be moved into my space at the Omni. A couple things have come up for me and I'm not sure if this is the right place to reach out, if not can you point me in the appropriate direction?

1. There is a blue ethernet cable that comes in the wall between my shop and the hallway and goes out the wall again a few feet away only to come back in the doorway and then plug into the phone line (I think). I've been asking for someone (from Sudo?) to reroute it so that it just comes in and goes right to the plug instead of the wrapping around. I'm concerned that it will be damaged by the door closing on it repeatedly. Who can help?

2. I know this may be more involved but I'm wondering if the placement of the trash cans can/will be discussed soon? It's going to be a major drag to work all day in that stink. I've heard the plan is to take them out of the hallway. Is that true? 

Thanks and love!

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