Greetings omninoms!

For those not yet aware, Omni intends to launch a crowdfunding campaign on Sunday to raise funds toward renovating the commercial kitchen in the basement!

if you get the gist, you can proceed directly to the kitchen wiki page and/or peruse the CAMPAIGN ACTION KIT

We need ALL HANDS ON DECK to help spread the word. In particular:
  • reach out directly to folks in your networks who you think would donate, and ask them if they could contribute when the campaign launches. pre-pledges help ensure successful campaigns. here's some sample text you can use (tx be to julian!)
  • do you have any press contacts you could tap? we are drafting a press release to be published on Monday after our soft 'community launch' and have zilch lined up so far
  • can you or your group offer (and follow through on) a perk/reward for certain donation levels? get in touch!
  • when we launch on sunday, help spread the word by sharing, retweeting, and sending to any and all relevant mailing lists!
  • do you have a spare hour or two to help with social media, press outreach, door-to-door flyering, graphic design (eg, a facebook cover image people could use?), making a short video or blog post, organizing an event, etc? join the kitchen working group mailing list and/or attend the next meeting - Wednesdays at 6pm in the Basement Library!
Check out the wiki page at for more info on the project, including the awesome campaign video produced largely by the ever-rad-Anka (and starring some of the most OG Food Not Bombs organizers!).

-- more info:---
Given the holiday season, the extensive burdens on every activist's energy these days, and a host of other complexities and circumstances, we've decided to break up the campaign into 3 phases.

For this first phase, our goal is to raise $15,000 - which will enable us to pull the permits, demo the walls for expansion of the area, and get most if not all of our plumbing work done.

The subsequent two phases will have goals of $20K each - though by the end of this first campaign we hope to have a solid lead or two on a significant grant or donor.

There are many dangling threads and the kitchen crew could definitely use more support to carry this off. Please do lend a hand, however which way you can!

Mad love and dreams of decadent dinners at the Omni ~

Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!

"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson

"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
 -Hannah Arendt

"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé