That's what they're after too--global when possible, open standards/commons framework required. Holding the health care conversation exclusively between the providers and the insurance co's &/or gov, without any patient involvement, is a bad practice on so MANY levels.

One of the main folks working on this is Adrian Gropper at -- there are also several folks interested in the VA specifically (largest medical database in the world? also one of the most dysfunctional systems), but their sites/work isn't at my fingertips. Also related is and several others: Kantara Initiative and Identity Commons are doing work at different levels (from deep tech to notice and consent protocols). I'm sure there are more.


P.S. Non-medical-related: there are folks also working to disrupt the real estate broker industry, the information brokerage industry, the marketing industry, and more. If anyone has a thorn, I'm happy to connect you.

On 4/16/15 3:03 PM, Praveen Sinha wrote:
I do want a discussion it.... But I want a discussion that will facilitate a global commons framework, not an individual startup.  I do I want to learn a lot more about the regulatory considerations at play for sure!!!

On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 4:28 PM, The Staff <> wrote:
Praveen, Patrik,

There are folks working to create a personal data store that would include health data. If you'd like to be part of this deep discussion, I'd be happy to connect you. Fascinating work, regulatory considerations, intrenched forces to battle.


On Apr 15, 2015, at 3:00 PM, Praveen Sinha <> wrote:

I was thinking about making some sort of open source repo for mri / anatomy / 3d health if we get a better understanding if the issues.  I'm tempted to invite my doctor if we all physically meet!

On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 12:15 AM, Patrik D'haeseleer <> wrote:
I totally think there's a market for making a 21st century anatomical model.

We used to have one of those plastic torso dummies at school, with removable internal organs, each in a different color. We could make one of those, except 3D printed from real body scans.

Check out the Visible Human Project for a really cool whole-body dataset: 


On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 8:57 PM, Ryan <> wrote:
I recently got a cervical spine MRI done, and would love to print it. I mean, it's a spine! Still need to go pick up the disc, though. (Not the discs in my spine. :P)

On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 8:12 PM, Praveen Sinha <> wrote:
Hi Romy,

It's cool that you say this because I just got back from the clinic with my own MRI scan of my knee.  The ortho doc that I am seeing was very excitedly asking me on how it would be possible to do 3d projections and prints of these joints, and I just read the article in make magazine on my way back.

I'm very interested in replicating this, and if possible generate a low cost guide for folks and doctors.  This shit is way to important for expensive consultants to eat up the market.  I'm more than happy to come in next week and start collaborating!

On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 8:36 AM, Romy Ilano <> wrote:

Hi, I've been having fun at SudoRoom lately. I have wanted to 3D Print my MRI of my ankle!

I'm trying to overcome some hurdles >
--  I'm fundamentally a software and 2D digital person normally, it's hard for me to get into 3D modelling
-- I'm used to keyboards, not wrenches and touching things which is why I go to hardware hack night

I want to get beyond the stages of just looking at stuff on the 3D Printer. Anyone else up to it? I'm wondering if I should come in more than once a week... 


Romy Ilano

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