Evidently the plan is to "find an intern" to do it all.

Best of luck with that.

On Thu, Mar 28, 2019, 11:14 <hol@gaskill.com> wrote:
this block is just so fucked. agree with using all currently available
means allowed in bylaws to authorize payment for clearly below market
rate professional services.  has BAPS offered any sort of counter
proposal or are we just tasked with looking in the mirror at what could
be wrong with ourselves and finding the tax answers there?

On 2019-03-27 8:42 pm, Yardena Cohen wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 11:16 PM Patrik D'haeseleer <patrikd@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> It might be useful to remind folks that by the Omni Commons Bylaws,
>> the board can legally act by a majority vote. Not that we should be
>> making a habit out of that, but it might be a useful option to fall
>> back on if we start to run out of time to get our tax paperwork
>> done...
> Not only that, but we'd already given the finance working group a lot
> of leeway and discretion in the past, to the point where I think
> *legally* they could have just decided to pay Jenny without asking for
> consensus. The fact that they did ask is a good thing, but they didn't
> have to.
> Which makes the accusations about people "wanting to run a
> corporation" really stink. It's a cheap shot. The corporate form is
> forced on us by circumstance, and we've been trying hard to run an
> anarchist collective simultaneously, in parallel. If anybody really
> wanted a hostile takeover, it would have happened by now.
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