I have been adding sudoRoom events to the Decentered Arts list - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1eX21lRIMOl3LLUhanRptk0jWbKoyZJVnbsJ-UWP7JZY/htmlview#gid=0

It's a great place, and there are artists hanging out and doing slide shows of their art in people's homes. I think a missed opportunity that I could have done better on is reaching out to people in the arts who need a place to work and play.

Artist are natural hackers. We do have a large ballroom, ideal places for weekly meetups of slides and artist stuff. And artists often build stuff with robots and explore areas like agumetnd reality.

We should always focus on what makes us special

if we only focus on "hackers" and biotech we have stiff competition, as Noisebridge is more well-funded and has more active nights (we love them though) 

Also, as Peter explained to me, UC Berkeley and Laney nowadays have extremely clean and well-equipped makerspace labs, and of course stuff is closer on campus. 

Due to gentrification we have also lost a large contingent of cool happy go lucky artsy mathematician and computer science types, and we're not in downtown Oakland.

But the arts scene is pretty big in Oakland, and artists are hackers!

I could have done better on this!


Romy Ilano