Also, true comrades aren't abusive.
SudoRoom and sudoers are under no contract nor obligation to be doormats, sugarcoaters, pushovers, blindeyes, or enablers.
We're all solely responsible for our actions, and we all (oughta) know it, and SudoRoom is unabashedly welcoming to any and every person. It seems it should be obvious, in that alone, that anyone who can't maintain a respectful and socially responsible manner in the community, will quickly find themselves as openly unwelcome as they were welcome. And that's ok.
I don't mean to come across as blunt, and seemingly cold toward those who mess up... but I really enjoy the idea of (part of) Sudo being a big, strong, independent wermun, who don't take no sh*t!
Ok, that kind of got away from me there, but you all get what I'm trying to say, right...
~ Korl
On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 4:49 PM, joseph liesner <> wrote:
> What is most problematic for me is that there is so little
> daylight here. Elliot's name is used but all the references to
> repeated violence are a mystery to me. Will the Mediator
> and Steward process make important information available?
Yeah, I was too ambiguous. Everything they write will be public and
brought to a meeting, but things shouldn't be "hashed out", meaning
the long fact-finding conversations don't happen at meetings. The
point is to still be accountable but not waste everyone's time.
Full policy is here:
> I fully support Sudo and all members right to be safe in our space
> yet without more daylight in this matter than I have experienced in
> others at the Omni it feels like a comrade will just disappear.
If we can't prioritize safe space, most comrades will just never
appear in the first place.