Greetings Hackians!

Tomorrow night will be the first screening of sexually charged movies at Sudo Room and last time we will ever screen Bike Smut 6: Turning Trixxx

Its the ULTIMATE screening!

Besides providing a forum for a variety of artists to share their thoughts on human-powered transportation and sex-positive culture we will may also be:

* watching a burlesque performance depicting how the bicycle liberated women's fashion
* defining obscenity within the community
* meeting / flirting with other exciting minds
* playing the PSI game, behold the hilarious consensual action
* enjoying delicious malted beverages for extra reasonable donation
* winning $300 dollars worth of prizes from excellent sponsors (info below)
* supporting Sudo Room, because half of the door will stay with this excellent space!

This has the potential to be a great fundraiser, but one person can't do it all, but there are a few things you can do:
VOLUNTEER  - email vicki <>, and let her know when you are available. (8pm is best but we work it out)
* help greet at the door
* serve delicious beverages
* monitor the space to keep Sudo Room excellent and not burnt down
* assist me and Vicki as we clean up afterward
* host an afterparty (helps to get people out!)

EDUCATE - besides the endless possibilities of Sudo Room, we are partnering with other great organizations
* Fucking Sculptures local handcrafted glass sex toys
* Crash Pad Series provides some of the best queer porn on Earth
* Sex Worker Fest helps address the stigma of the worlds oldest profession
* Oakland gallery owner, Eli Reyes was the victim of horrifying road rage

PROMOTE - geeks are not known for their social graces, consider this a great time to practice! You dont want to watch porn alone, do you?
* use FaceBook!

Friday, May 17
Sudo Room
2141 Broadway
doors at 8:22, starts at 9:07
$5-10 donation
, no one turned away
adults only and you should all dress fabulous!

Even if you can't volunteer I hope you are able to attend. I think there will be a number of people who have never been to this place before; it will be grand to have engaging minds on hand to explain how cool Sudo Room is!

con fuerte,
7 years of sex-positive, human-powered porno
________Hop on The Porny Express________
----------------------- Bike Smut ------------------------