I'll see what I can manage. Do you have a datasheet for the latch
release scheme you're using?
i don't understand. you just flip the pin high for a few seconds like it does
in the code and it unlatches the door.
basically i will be controlling about 6 pins to drive that motor, and
monitoring 2 pins which will tell me quadrature of its position for that
purpose. and another output pin will control the latch.
this is a diagram of a similar motor, except it shows three hall-effect sensors
and i think our motor might only have two, is that possible? I need to look.
http://www.avdweb.nl/Article_files/Solarbike/Motor-controlle r/4-Pole-brushless-DC-motor-an imation.jpg
all you need to do is get the RFID code that Henner wrote to compile in
arduino, and i can do the rest. what do you think of that?