
On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 1:51 PM, Hol Gaskill <hol@gaskill.com> wrote:
Here's the schematic of what I have so far, with some capacitor values needing to be changed and headers need to be properly modeled, and the FTDI chip will not be onboard, just have it shown attached for now.  The ULN2003 unit cost is low - it is good for running 2 separate strips of RGB LEDs or turning on pumps and solenoids and whatnot with up to 500mA per channel.  Do you know of power mosfet arrays that come together in one IC?  If there's interest in choosing an H bridge instead of an array of NPN transistors, we could do that first, or do both at the same time and give people the option.  Attached are 2 pics of a utility power-output board I've been using with great success for general purpose power output that gives a little design heritage of the ULN2003 case.

One question is - do we make it breadboard friendly or arduino shield friendly?  That will definitely drive PCB layout.  Also, should we do it all through-hole or should we shop around for SMD fabrication services?  My inclination is to do through hole and sell as a kit, or assembled.  Makes it a bit more accessible at a small space and weight expense.

Thoughts?  Also soliciting ideas for logos :)


Nov 15, 2013 01:24:58 PM, steveberl@gmail.com wrote:
>Consider putting an H-bridge on the board also. Nice for bi-directional applications. 
>Also think about MOSFETS instead of traditional power transistors as they have lower forward resistance and dissipate less power

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