Seems like an obvious bad actor, has been caught breaking the rules multiple before, has been caught STEALING from other members before. Why not just ban them?

On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 9:08 AM, Torrie Fischer <> wrote:
The last time Pigeon was at Noisebridge they got in by climbing the front
gate. They got a very stern talking-to and haven't been seen around since

Personally speaking, I'm not one to welcome them back to Noisebridge.

Thank you, Jake, for handling this <3

On Tuesday, October 14, 2014 01:19:45 AM Jake wrote:
> last night (sunday) as the last of us were getting ready to leave after a
> long day of BACH, i noticed that Pidgeon was sitting alone in CCL with
> headphones in and using a laptop.
> [pidgeon prefers the pronoun "they" but it is a single person]
> knowing that this person made trouble at noisebridge in the past, and
> assuming that they were trying to squat the omni, i went up and gave
> notice that "we are getting ready to leave and close up" and Pidgeon took
> the hint and started packing up their backpack...
> twenty minutes later pidgeon was still slowly gathering things together to
> get ready to leave.. it was annoyingly obvious that they were trying to
> delay leaving so that I would leave first and they could stay.
> tonight, Korl mentioned that Pidgeon was present but did not seem to be
> anyone's guest, and I agreed that they were here without anyone's
> sponsorship of any kind.  A person with no member-sponsor present can be
> asked to leave for no reason, but before doing that I went to speak with
> others present about the situation.
> No one present claimed Pidgeon as their guest, or objected to asking them
> to leave.  I mentioned this to marc and started posting the following to
> irc:
> 56.html
> 72.html
> a minute later marc returned from a "sweep" of the building and found
> Pidgeon in a downstairs room with the door pulled shut, getting
> comfortable, lying on their belly listening to music.
> Marc asked if they were part of a collective, Pidgeon said they were not,
> and Marc said that we are not open to the public and asked them to leave.
> please be aware that people are already trying to squat the omni and it
> will only get more intense.  I have no patience for this because I feel
> that the omni is more valuable to us as a community space, shared for all,
> rather than a big building to be turned into private quarters for the few
> who care little enough about their community to do something like that.
> Noisebridge regularly has problems with people sleeping on top of the
> elevator, above the loft areas, and in the basement of the building, and
> their building is not nearly as cavernous and expansive as ours.
> -jake
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