Our Kickstarter campaign closes in minutes - 10:34 PST, to be precise.

This is your very last chance to sign up as a *Founding* Member, or to get one of our other amazing rewards. 


We've already reached our $30K target, but we are still collecting donations towards our stretch goal: a -80 freezer to store cultures, plasmids, strains, etc.. A -80 freezer makes sure that the project you're working on today will still be around for people to build on next year, or five years from now. Our plan is for this to become a resource for the whole community, so we will be happy to store archival collections from BioCurious and other DIYbio labs. We'll be one of the community's distributed backup nodes, as it were.

Support your friendly local biohackers and mad scientists! 

28 minutes to go and counting...
