You may be thinking of We had an event at sudoroom a while back. Last weekend we were at Lawrence Hall of Science. 

You can see upcoming events on our web page. 

And if anyone is interested in having another at Sudoroom, let us know. 


On Monday, February 10, 2014, Ed Biow <> wrote:
I didn't see one on the calendar, but seem to recall seeing something like that in the past.

A few months ago I laid out $180 to but something called a Ion Blockrocker Bluetooth to have a portable amplifier/speaker/microphone thingie for events.  It was more or less adequate, but shortly after I got it the 3.5mm IN jack became unseated and now it doesn't make an adequate connection.  I can still access the device by bluetooth, but not every device has bluetooth and bluetooth can be a bit finicky during an event, as we found out at the Anti-DAC event last Tuesday..  It looks like it has screws so disassembling it would probably be easy, but I have about as much dexterity in my fingers as most folks have in their toes and am not sure I would be able to figure out how to re-seat the little audio-in aperture.  I guess I could RMA the thing, but it is big, it would probably cost me $40 to send it back.

Anyway, if anyone feels like having a crack at it, I'd be happy to schlep it to the room.

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