Hey all,

Has anyone been on the roof yet to check for a sight-line to the Monkey Brains beam?

If so, please let me know! If not, I'll climb up on the roof and take a photo 


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alex Menendez <amen@monkeybrains.net>
Date: Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: Internet at Omni in Oakland for Deconstruction
To: Danny Spitzberg <stationaery@gmail.com>
Cc: "Tyler Hanson :: KultureHaus" <t@kulturehaus.com>, David Keenan <dkeenan44@gmail.com>, Eddie Codel <eddie@eddie.com>, "rudy@monkeybrains.net" <rudy@monkeybrains.net>

Take a picture toward grizzly peak. U r shooting for right above the Caldecott tunnel.


Sent from my iPoo

On Oct 14, 2014, at 12:18 PM, Danny Spitzberg <stationaery@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey all,

this is Danny, an organizer with the Omni. We just got roof access on Oct 1 and I'm happy to look into sightlines (pun). My question is... where am I looking? How might I discern clear line of sight?


On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Tyler Hanson :: KultureHaus <t@kulturehaus.com> wrote:
Hey all.

Spoke with Alex from Monkey Brains today, and the question is of course is
there a position on the roof of the omini where we can get a clear line of
site to grizzly peak. I am wondering if anyone has gone on the roof to
investigate this, and if not could someone.

I need to learn ASAP If Line of site is not an option, and then move on to
the next feasible option.

Can you tell me how to get, how to get to the internet street...
Tyler Hanson

On 10/13/14, 9:22 AM, "Alex Menendez" <amen@monkeybrains.net> wrote:

>Hello, Tyler
>Our Oakland presence is a best kept secret :)
>How much bandwidth are you looking for at this location?
>Thanks for the referral, Eddie!
>> Thanks for the intro Eddie.
>> And nice to meet you in the interwebs Alex, let me know when is a good
>> time to chat. I am available all weekend.
>> Tyler Hanson
>> 503.915.4977
>> T@kulturehaus.com
>>> On Oct 10, 2014, at 18:42, Eddie Codel <eddie@eddie.com> wrote:
>>> Hey Alex!
>>> Hope all's swell in your world. We're doing another event where we are
>>> in need of solid bandwidth. It's sort of like the Red Bull Creation
>>> thing we did at the Techshop Annex a couple years ago. Meet Tyler, who
>>> is co-producing this thing and is working with the venue to make magic
>>> happen. He can tell you more about what we need and when.
>>> Thanks!
>>> -eddie
>>> --
>>> Eddie Codel
>>> Eddie.com Live Stream Consulting Services
>>> San Francisco, CA :: 415-935-4343 :: eddie@eddie.com :: @ekai
>Alex Menendez                      .-"""-.
>Monkey Brains                    _/-=-.   \
>635 Potrero                     (_|@ @/   |
>San Francisco, CA 94110          /    \  ,_)
>415.200.8703                     \'=" /__/
>415.974.1313                      ;--'  '