Hi romy, I think that's a fantastic idea. What do you think would be the best way to invite them? I wonder if this would be one way that we could start a conversation with rps about how we can link our spaces...although I don't know enough about their work to know what those links might look like. Any ideas?

- marina

On Mar 30, 2013 2:28 AM, "Romy Ilano" <romy@snowyla.com> wrote:
max! i'm so happy you're linking sudo room to rpscollective

they also have youth classes and high school interns. wouldn't it be cool if the high school kids could come to the google 3d sketchup class???

i'd be so into showing them sneaker 3d models i downloaded...
i think a lot of oakland high school kids might be like me! they'd be into urban vinyl toys and sneaker spures.




questions -[at]- rpscollective -[dot]- org
2278 Telegraph ave., Oakland, CA 94612
Hours: 12 - 7pm, Wednesday - Sunday.
Closed Monday and Tuesday.
A community arts space
To promote youth involvement in all of our programming, RPSC offers youth internships to high school aged teenagers. There are two types of internship programs: one, High School Aged (current partnerships exist with Metwest High school, Lighthouse Community Charter and we are open to more High Schools), and the other, under the guidance of an RPSC member working in the intern’s area of interest. All programs are volunteer run and would love your support! RPSC partners with High Schools to offer 1419 year old students student-initiated, project-driven internships. Internships run throughout the school year. Projects have included: entrepreneurial airbrushing business, fashion design, gallery curation, and teaching teen fashion classes. We also reserve one month of gallery programming a year to feature our interns art work, giving students the opportunity to have their work shown in a gallery space that reaches over 1,000 people every month.RPSC

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