
My name is Ken Litchfield and I'm with BAAM/CCL. I had talked to a few folks about the fermentation group and how to become involved. I learned that it seems to have been on a bit of a hiatus for a few weeks/months, so I volunteered to get it cranked back up, beginning with cleanup, reorganization, and rejuvention/startup of cultures over the next few weeks. And perhaps then start having regular bigger events perhaps monthly or more often.

I understand that there are a number of folks in Sudo and CCL that have an interest in the area.

Last Wed eve we had our first clean up/reorganization of the fermentation area along the border between Sudo and CCL. There have been some rodent problems in the area so part of the intent is to make it easier to keep the area clean and rodent free. We have moved the equipment and fridge from positions in the middle of the room to the periphery along the CCL side of the Sudo wall L-ing over to the sterile trasfer hood. We removed the stuff from under and behind the hood so we can move the hood against the wall. We didn't toss out anything except obvious trash and all the stuff we found is on top or under the folding table and the cabinets. We didn't take everything out of all the cabinet drawers because some were locked and we couldn't determine who had the keys.

We welcome the continued participation of any folks who have been involved in the past and invite any of you who would like to start participating.

Each Wed we'll be having an activity evening in the fermentation area for the next several weeks. We could use assistance with any of the following:

Plan is to use a couple of the doors from under the ballroom stage storage area and place them on top of paired cabinets as open work space where the cabinets and folding table are located now. Storage would be underneath and on shelving on top and in the back of the door tabletops.

Need several strong folks at each corner of the sterile transfer hood for a couple minutes to slide it back against the wall.

There are several kombucha cultures in 5 gallon buckets or smaller mason jars that aren't labeled. If you know the history and provenance of any of of them please label them with creation dates, components, human companions, and any other pertinent info. They all appear to be pretty much viable so if they aren't claimed we'll clean them and rejuvenate them with the standard formula and go from there with new labeling. If you would like to assist with rejuvenation please bring some black tea for next Wed nite. We found sugar in storage.

There are some bags of hops and yerba mate that make for rodent nesting material so those and any food or grain items need to be kept in heavy duty lidded plastic or metal containers. We have some such containers but could probably use more.

Under the folding leg table there are several boxes of glass bottles. We'll be giving those to glass recycling unless someone claims them. We understand that some of the commercial kombucha bottles were intentionally collected. Well keep these if someone is planning on using them. Our current plan is to make announcements as batches become ready for imbibing and folks can drink it there or take it home in their own containers. We plan to keep several standard kombucha mothers and several secondary ferments for special flavors like Orange Julius, root beer, candy cap, jun, etc.

We don't plan to put any limits on the potential ferments that we have so kombucha, beer, wine, mead, yeast rising bread, njera, and more are all welcome.

My particular interest is herbal meads but also all things fermentable.

Please email me if you have any interests, concerns, plans, questions, etc involving the fermenation area. 

Thanks Ken
litchfield dot ken at gmail dot com