Ahhh! I really really wish I could participate in the 3:30 using the common space/ events workshop- that is what I am the most interested in. 

Honestly, I just want to host a large poetry reading/ curate The Omni Ball event within a few months ( August/ September). 



On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 1:27 PM, niki <niki.shelley@gmail.com> wrote:
Here's a breakdown of the discussions we will be having today. 

  • money & outreach track
  •     1:30. Public Relations / Outreach / Interfacing with the Community & Gov - David
  •     2:30. Finances / Business Model / Income - Patrik +1
  •     3:30. Fund-Raising Workshop - Danny +1

  • values track
  •     1:30. Safe space / Dominant Culture - Sarah
  •     2:30. Values - Jordan
  •     3:30. Bylaws - Ahnon

  • logistics & governance track
  •     1:30. Membership / Access / Public- Andrew +1    
  •     2:30. Internal communications / working groups / process - Matt
  •     3:30. Using the common space / events -

  • 4:30 - 5:15 -- ad-hoc session 4
  • 5:45 - 6:30 -- report back