thanks jordan, it's really unacceptable for him to call at that hour without it being an emergency and i'm sorry you had to take his abuse. i also appreciate you writing this up right away.
none of us have any insight into george's internal states and his motivations when he yells at people. we don't know whether he's really upset about the pews or upset about some other stuff and taking it out on our poor pews. we also have no idea as to whether he'll continue to be upset with the pews (we all know how he likes things sometimes, tolerates them at other times, and hates them at third times. he's enjoyed sitting on the pews in the past and has changed his mind about all kinds of stuff in the past as well).
if what he's really upset about is the cleanliness of the common room, then i wonder whether he would accept some negotiation over the pews in exchange for a clearer agreement on the state of the common room that will allow us to maintain the standards that he feels are necessary in order to show it to potential renters. (just on a sidenote, a couple weeks ago jenny sent to laurie and george the event cleanliness checklist and i believe that the list was accepted by them (jenny can you confirm? could you possibly also send that list around again?)