we are stronger together <3

monday 1/29 - women and non binary night - https://www.meetup.com/sudoroom/events/298454007/  a wrap up for anyone who participated in the global game jam at the made in downtown oakland
find ways to make algorithms for job interviews fun - maybe divorce them from job interviews 

tuesday 1/30 - hardware hack night / fixit
i might come a bit earlier - have job interviews, can't stay until midnight anymore =( 
but a similar theme to monday.
anyone who went to the global game jam, a catch up

later on in the month maybe have a blender workshop. we had a good run on the monday but i think this one would be super super super basic. we'd do karate kid style review of how to navigate the blender ux, how to make a sudoroom cube, and add graphics as flat planes.

eventually i'd liek to have a wednesday/thursday evening centered around stuff like gaming. maybe a godot game engine meetup (it's the open source game engine)


Romy Ilano