I am (was) a member of Sudo Room but I have specifically stayed away because when I tried to come forward and talk about a harassment issue I had, I was called names and basically told that my experience with harassment ultimately didn't matter by one of your founders.

I have heard that my harasser has not been coming to Sudo Room, but the disrespect I was treated to was enough to keep me away probably forever.  Because of this mishap, I never actually came back to Sudo Room after the day I became a member to get a key and start paying monthly dues (I am also homeless and have C-PTSD after years of sexual abuse violence, even currently dealing with sexual assault in a situation I am unfortunately in).

I'm just saying, if you guys want more people to contribute and donate, perhaps have a much more compassionate an humanitarian approach to people when they come forward about important matters despite being terrified to do so. I would have happily given any money I had PLUS time to help, clean and sort, etc. But I was pushed away and insulted instead.

For the last couple of months I have debated whether or not I wanted to cancel my membership to Sudo Room. I don't feel right giving money and time to a place and a community that I was pretty much laughed out of because no one believed I was being harassed and stalked.

If you want to cancel my membership on your end because of this email, go ahead and do it. Like I said, I don't feel right giving what little hard earned money I have to a place that not only feel disrespected, but purposely put me in harm's way and in front of my harasser and stalker.

I'm sorry for putting this out there on the mailling list, but I have held this in for months and I feel I need to let people know.

Do whatever you want, ban me, cancel my membership, call me "hateful" for being afraid of my harasser.

I don't care, anymore.


On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 1:23 PM, Karissa McKelvey <karissa.mckelvey@gmail.com> wrote:
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Sudo Room

Creative community and hackerspace

Help Keep Sudo Room Alive

Sudo Room is continuously short on rent, so any contributions will really help! As a member, we suggest a monthly due of $60, and accept non-monetary contributions such as delicious snacks brought to our Wednesday night meetings. 

We are on the collaborative hacker honor system. If you are doing well monetarily, feel free to pitch in a bit more than $60 so that someone else can pay less and still enjoy the hack. If you have any problems making a recurring donation, please let substack or juul know in IRC (#sudoroom on freenode) for a quick fix.

Sudo Room is very close to becoming an official non-profit. We're excited to become a non-profit because it will mean that all donations to Sudo Room will be retroactively tax-deductible with the IRS. However, we need to raise $400 filing fee for our IRS 501(c)3 application. If you want to help with this process in any way, please contact info@sudoroom.org

You can also help keep Sudo Room alive by reaching out to your workplace, other organizations, philanthropists, and grant funders. These folks can help bring in one-time donations or matching donations that really help! Applying to grants is easier than you'd think, and anyone who would like to will be supported in their efforts.

Short on cash? Help with Stuff!
Sudo room is seeking a boat-load of organizing tools--like clear bins, shelving, label-makers, and other materials. If you have any of these things, drop a note to info@sudoroom.org or sudo-discuss@lists.sudoroom.org! AND if you can donate $$$ to help purchase and pick up these supplies, it would be a high return on your investment!

Thank you for everything. 

sudo-discuss mailing list